Friday, February 22, 2008

Friday, February 22nd

Odd Classes:

Yes, today was icy and snowy, so many of you were late or did not come at all. That means you do have some make up work to do.

1. To make up the punctual piece please answer the following questions for your topic about the 1920s for your project: (1) What do I know? (2) What do I want to learn? (3) How will I find out?
2,Come and see me to get a very important assignment!
3. Look up the vocabulary words: supercilious and extemporizing
4. Write a character sketch (one paragraph for each character) for each of the characters introduced in The Great Gatsby chapter 1: Nick (the narrator), Tom, Daisy, Jordan Baker, and Gatsby.
5. Find at least 5 references to the 1920s society from chapter 1
6. Make sure you solidify your topic on the 1920s and bring 5 sources to class with you on Monday! We will be doing the bibliography on Monday in class, so it is to your benefit to bring your sources so you don't have to do your bibliography at home.
7. Remember to memorize your poem: the class competition is on Wednesday.
8. Have a good weekend :)

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