Monday, February 25, 2008

Monday, February 25th

Odd Classes:

Yay! We got an extra day. We needed one, since we are short about 4-5 odd days this advisory. For those who missed class this is what you will need to do to make up the class:
1. Come see me during lunch to get a detailed explanation of the multigenre research paper.
2. Review the MLA Documentation sheet in your blue folder (if you don't have a blue folder then you need to see me!)
3. Write up your bibliography for your sources for your multigenre research paper in MLA format.
4. Read the "Research Reading" strategy in your blue folder and use the Recall/Reflect sheets to organize your research notes (use one for each source--so you need at least 4 sources for your paper).
5. Practice the research reading strategy by scanning back through the first 2 chapters of The Great Gatsby and recording all of the references to the setting of the novel: Both West/East Egg and The Valley of Ashes.
6. Complete #4 (for at least 2 sources) and #5 for Wednesday!

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