Thursday, March 13, 2008

Thursday, March 13th

Today we talked about The Great Gatsby chapter 8 and we completed Peer Review.

If you missed class here's what you need to do:
1. Write a well developed paragraph to answer the following prompt: Write about a time when you wanted something so you deceived someone to get it, but it backfired.
2. Answer the following questions for Chapter 8:
a. Look at the passage on pages 148-149 where Nick talks with Gatsby before going to work. What do we learn about Gatsby's dream? Why does Nick think Gatsby's dream is dead?
b. Look at the passage on page 153-154 where Nick is leaving Gatsby's mansion to go to work. While Nick is leaving he says, "'They're a rotten crowd'...'You're worth the whole damn bunch put together.' I've always been glad I said that. It was the only compliment I ever gave him, because I disapproved of him from beginning to end." Explain Nick's statement. Nick admires Gatsby, but has disapproved of him from beginning to end, how does this work?
3. You will need to print off the peer review sheet (or come get one from me) and have another student in our class peer review your paper and you will want to peer review another student's paper in order to receive points.

Homework for Tuesday:
1. Read The Great Gatsby chapter 9 (the last chapter!)
2. Bring all of your multigenre materials to work on in class on Tuesday.

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