Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Tuesday, March 4th

Even Classes:

2nd Period:
Today we continued to review The Great Gatsby 1-3. So, if you missed you will need to respond to all 8 of the questions on the review guide at this link: http://viewer.zoho.com/docs/mdlbZh

We also discussed Poems for 2 Voices. A poem for 2 voices has two columns and is read by two people at the same time. One person reads one column and the second person reads the other column. The lines that are together are read by both people at the same time. The lines that are separate are read individually.

You will need to complete a poem for 2 voices for your multi-genre paper. This will be a pre-writing strategy for your compare and contrast essay. One column will be a voice about your topic from the 1920s. The other voice will be what you will compare your topic to in our society today.

Please come and see me for examples.

I have attached one example that I wrote and a template you may use (but are not required to use) to write your poem for 2 voices (see the links on the right hand side bar)

This is what you need to do for Thursday:
1. Finish your Poem for 2 Voices
2. Read Gatsby 4
3. Read the Hemingway piece "In Another Country" (see the links on the right hand side bar)

Please come see me!!

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